SEASP  – Spanish Enrichment After School Program



The Spanish Enrichment After School Program (SEASP) is a parent-run initiative that offers extra Spanish instruction to Spanish heritage students and advanced learners at Runkle. The program is run by parent volunteers and offers after school activities. Parents are given freedom to teach students about whatever subject appeals to them as long as it is educational, presented in Spanish, and fun. This program also has a library of books in Spanish that students may borrow and read at home. If your child is interested and if you would like to volunteer, please send an email by September 22nd 2023 to: Wendy Estrada: or Carolina Abuelo


Please specify in the email the student’s grade and the level of Spanish.


Based on the interest, we will send a schedule with the activities that we have planned. Our first activity is around the corner when we will celebrate El Dia de los Muertos!


How do you make an altar for Day of the Dead? |




If you have any questions please contact Carolina Abuelo or Wendy Estrada